
My first, real, adult-sized sweater, Knitty's Thermal. I've documented some of the progess on my other journal, but I can't not put it here. This sweater drove me crazy. The waffle stitch, the ridiculously tiny gauge, the sheer size of the thing, the horridness of the sleeves [I really hated the sleeves], all of it drove me crazy. Don't get me wrong, the pattern was awesome, but infuriating. Onwards to progress:
About four or five inches on the body.
About ten inches.
The whole body.
Close up of the waffle stitch.
Seamed, blocked, and worn a couple of times.
Close up of the placket and the buttons. I'm just proud the buttons fit in the holes [my first buttonholes, squee!]
Finally, finally I can present respectable seaming. I decided to actually sit down and learn for real since I spent so much time on the damned sweater. Look, it's like magic! I don't have any action shots because I think the sweater doesn't fit me like I want. I wanted it to be tighter on me, but either I overestimated my fatness or it blocked out too big. Either way, it's a really warm [it's wool/silk blend] comfort sweater, and I made it myself. Stats: Yarn - KnitPicks Gloss in Burgundy Needles - size 4 dpn and circs
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