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Feeling: agitated
Is it posible for me to be happy without having to lose 2 out of the 3 friends that meant the most to me? cuz as of right now it doesnt seem like it... ~Blondie~
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it iz if they aint bein tru 2 u..mi friend ashli iz i dun think u cud b her
Hey I love you Ashley.. Dont let that stupid ho ruin everything for you.. If it doesnt kill you. It only makes you stronger.. Remember that!
is anyone ever truly happy?
: P
Why the fuck April cause so much about who u hang with is kinda creepy. I mean, if she's not ur friend then why does she care? Dont worry about her. U know Im always here if u need me
well sometimes it takes a really long time to find the right friends...wouldnt you rather have 1 friend that respects you and treats you great and is your true friend..then the other two who are shit heads and make you feel like crap?..I would!! I've made many mystakes with friends..but i know i will find great ones out there sometime that respect me and dont start shit! have to brace yourself with who you have for friends because u never...
know when they might just turn on you or never know what they talk about behind your back..yes loosing friends happens all the time but if they cannot see what a great person you are then they are not worth your time or your love and respect for them!! well hope this helped! Have a good day! oxo -`nyesha`