
Listening to: homewrecker
Feeling: aggravated
"people" are really starting to piss me off but wuts new right...people need to mind their own business and stay out of everyone elses. other people tell people their business and get pissed when everyone else finds out about dont tell any one if you dont want any one else to know about it...and alomst everybody in this school bitches about every one else talking about them...did u guys ever notice you do it too, as do i... stop gossing stay in your own life and grow the fuck up..stop talking shit and maybe people will stop talking about you... WOW common sense... ~blondie~
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hey girl...even ppl on a sitdiary are rude lol I love it haha...i'd never call someone a whore or a slut because I dont know anything about them or where they have sex! whoo yea I have no problems saying ne thing to anyones face and if they dont like it too bad ya know? lol not my problem...but your so frigin right its not even funny said it great!! lol well ill ttyl girl...have a great night! oxo much love -`nyesha`
Let's have a blanket party and put April in the middle..HOPE YOU READ THIS WHORE!! I love u Ash..Tell her to fuck off she's a douche. Xoxo TONI xoxo
yeah ppl are pretty twisted.