tis the season

...fala lala la lala la la yeppers... we were supposed to go caroling today... but instead we are working on our projects... didn't think we would be... so i don't hav eanything to do but be on here and write whatever i want... so... how ya doing??? i won't be able to do this tonight... right when i get home... i'm leaving again... we are going to be meeting my mom up in... well... somewhere up by where she works... eric has to bowl.. so... me and mom can go shopping for christmas presents without him... although i doubt that we will get his... i'm just getting stuff for ppl that r going to be opening stuff this weekend... on saturday... yeppers... i get to open one present... but.. that's all.. and that's okay... but i really really really.... want to open all of mine!!!! i can't wait til christmas... I know that i got at least five or so presents... i went upstairs to look 4 tp for my potty rooom...lol.... and instead of finding tp.... I found like four wrapped presents.. i know... "mal chicka" ...but... oh well... ... uuummmm.... not sure what else to say right now... i have so much to think about tho... i mean... i have two finals tomorrow... my comp. tech mag. cover is due... and i have my spanish final... which is a test... tomorrow... and i have a whole buch of back work in that class... and it's going to be really hard to due while im shopping!!! lol anywayz... i will have my comp. living final due on monday... which is a presentation... then on tuesday... i will have two finals... which will be my algebra and my business law finals... tests. then... on wednesday... the last day before break... i have three of my finals... first... englsih with my portfolio presentation... then... my biology final... yay... another test... then yet another test in my world history ...well... i guess i should save this so kelsie can read it and stop reading things about tests that are getting kinda annoying cuz i'm trying to write this.. but.. anywho
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i added you do you no who scott is and like sit dairy