need to do homework

Feeling: bitchy
my mom wants me to go to sleep in an hour... @ 10.. and do some homework.. b4 i go to sleep.. i really don't want to.. especially sinc eit will be spanish cuz i really don't want to work on that report thingy.. (4 consumer mgt)... and if i do spanish.. then the next time me and kelsie do spanish together.. i will probably be sitting there doing nothing.. unless both me and her have already done what i'm doing to possibly do tonight. lol.. i'm so crazy.. but that's not the point. i have to searching for prom dresses now.. and so.. i'll probably have to see if my dad wants to help in the process at all.. that way he won't complain this year when he's not included.. but we want money from him.. unless he thinks this raised child support means he doesn't have to contribute to anything other tahn that. w/e my dad thinks is alwayz right.. oh wait.. i 4 got.. he can't think for himslef... he has cindy for that... aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! i want my dad back. i have to get off of here.. really bad.. brandi.. back away from the computer... later
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i will miss you ass too!!!!! because it is just so purddy!
sorry about your dad! I had to go through the dad paying child support when my parents separated. It was crazy. just keep your head up and hopefully things will get better!
anyway I have already got my dress but I have not date :(
I would suggest outlet or resale shops. Thats where I got mine for 16~