
So yesterday I was happy because I got to drink wine at CC's house and all that. So last night I had the weirdest fucking dream. Actually it really wasnt the weirdest but it was pretty out of the ordinary. Me, Samantha, CC, and Danica were all going to go volunteer at a animal shelter place. But when I got in the started slicing me with knives and saying "have you had enough?" And I just kept saying "no." Weird. Oddly enough I woke up in a good mood. Some random guy called my phone asking for a Mike. I was like no, I'm sorry you must have the wrong number but thank you for waking me up I have somewhere to be. And he said, anytime. So hey, I just made friends with Mikes dad. So this morning sometime I'm breakfasting with CC and then we are gonna find out when the fuck our asses are getting to the mall. Mouse still hasnt told me yet. Much lurrve to you all though. Ack, gotsta brush my teeth. Adios. -Roxie
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Over here it's just coming up to 2pm
I live in the UK
lol, very random dream....sounds very cool, rofl