Back Again

Not much has changed here. Been pretty involoved with doing drama at school (me and some friends get to do the lights for the shows) and my family and work and normal life stuff that happens day to day. Yesterday was Thanksgiving, which I thought wen pretty well. My mom and dad and I all went out to breakfast and then I hung out with CC and chilled and then (yes, there's more) I went and visited with Jesse (my brother) in rehab and had some energy drinks (try AMP its good) and next I went to Sammy's house and ate LOADS of potatoes and apple pie and later that night I went to CC's again and ate loads more apple pie and drank me some coffee. So that was my wonderful Thanksgiving. Other than that two days ago I went and saw HP with Danica and a few others and there was miscommunications and/or bastardly trickiness I dont know which but CC ended up getting left out and now she isnt talking to Danica anymore. Which sucks ass because we are all a threesome (not in the sexual whatsit way but you know what I mean) and now we are just a pair of twos. Im a vegetarian again. Not much to say on that except go to and you will understand why after a few videos. (And I say again because I was a veggie for four months straight before and now Im going back.) And Ive taken a liking to cigarettes and this has pissed my dad off so now I have to sneak around and hide my cigarettes so he doesnt snap them in half. Yup. Yup. Yup. So that is an update from me to you on my life. Hope you enjoyed it (or didnt, I dont really give a shit) but let me know anyways. Alright well adios my loves. -As always, Roxie
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