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I WANT:: him I HAVE:: friends, family I WISH:: i was 7 I HATE:: people I MISS:: him I FEAR:: um the dark,nd bugs, I SEARCH:: for lyrics I WONDER:: how i'll die! I REGRET:: thats gunna be a long list I LOVE:: him I ACHE:: for youuuuu I ALWAYS:: am tired nd bored I AM NOT:: hyper right now I DANCE:: most of the time :) I SING:: all the time( la la la) I CRY:: most of the time I AM NOT ALWAYS:: nice I WRITE:: in my diary I CONFUSE:: myself nd others I NEED:: no1 9 People I Enjoy The Company Of: 1. poojee =) 2. amy 3. vani 4. deepa (cousin) 5. sudeep 6. erica 7. nisha 8. carlos 9. my brother (hah) SECTION 1 [YOU.] + your name: shruti + your gender: female + age: 15 + height: 5'3" + hair color: black + eye color: brown + your location: east windsor =( + fears: snakes, spiders, small spaces, sharks, crabs (the animals), being alone for a long period of time, dark SECTION 2 [ HAVE YOU EVER ] + peed your pants? yep + cheated on someone? hmm... + fallen off the bed?haha oh yaa + fallen for a relative? nope ewwwwwwwwwww + had plastic surgery? not yet at least + broke someone's heart? nah + had your heart broken? uhm yes + had a dream come true? nope + done something you regret? oh yess + cheated on a test? yes + broken a body part? nope SECTION 3 [ CURRENTLY] + wearing - t-shirt, pants + listening to - myself type + chewing - nothing + feeling - tired nd cold + reading - this survey + located - home + chatting with - pooja + watching - computer + should REALLY be - studying SECTION 4 [ DO YOU... ] + brush your teeth? um duh + like anybody? yes + have any piercings? my ears + drive? i wish + believe in Santa Claus? of course not + ever get off the computer? occasionally + who laughs the most? um idk? my brother lol + who have you known the longest? ingrid/amy + who have you known the shortest? ever1that i have known the shortest + do you belong to a crew? hmm...no + do you trust your friends? ya, but not all + are you a good friend? i dont kno ask them not me + can you keep a secret? yep SECTION 6 [ THE LAST PERSON YOU...] + hugged - mommy + gave EPROPS - no1 + IMed - kashap + talked to on the phone - bharat + yelled at - mommy + fell in love with - him..... + tripped - haha no1.. even though i wud love 2 + turned down - idk
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