
Listening to: the sound of silence
Feeling: zonked
Yes. I'm feeling zesty. shut up. Not a hell of a lot to fill you all in with. Yesterday was kinda different... at lunch i went to the deli w/ my friend tess..then met my other friend blaine and went back to the same deli..only to go to another deli because her friend made her go get cigaretts for her. Blaine quit smoking last sunday but started again after she bought the cigs for her friend. then went to a pizza shop that i've never seen in my life, where i saw a person that goes to my school that i've never seen before either. then blaine said she was cutting spanish and she'll see me later. then i went back alone. and after school i went to the dermontologist (ignore spelling errors ;D). then picked up the prescription at duane reade where i waited for an HOUR. thats the only really exciting thing that happened. today i just did my thing at school and went home. nothing special. BUT i'm going to my friend's prom...in april. and..going to my other friend's birthday thing on saturday! after i go to rehearsal for godspell. So yes. Life is...moderately good. School sucks as always. My love life seems to be at a standstill. hoping that will change...but thats not on the top of my list... i shall be off finding much excitement...im on a mission. Much love to you all <33 (btw, 12 days till california ;D)
Read 5 comments
I tried to read your journal the first few times you gave me your words, but, mu eyes couldn't handle the colour/font scheme (they're screwy like that). But, i managed to read this one! Yay! And, now, i'm intrigued. But, anyway, thank you for all your comments! So, do you think it's better to be your own, or to be liked, but nelong in others eyes? ~c
i don't masturbate ouf of bottom... i think, i'm just always feeling horny 24/7. its my penis' fault, his always up asking for seconds... hope i didnt
gross u out (thinkingwhy)
Well, it hurt the fuck outta my eyes, but i managed it!! And... you sound like a beautiful person! I hope you don't mind if i add you to my beautiful people list?
good days eh?
good deal.
everyone deserves to have a good time all the time if you ask me.
deli's are essential and life and important to me.
california, everyone's going there.
it's like the gold rush all over again.
rock on and keep up the goodness.