My Fortune Cookie Says "Someone is speaking well of you"

Feeling: nervous
*i had chinese food today. With a fortune cookie. And thats what it said. I should feel special..but i don't...hmm* Today was fun. Didn't do too much, didn't do too little. Just the right amount of almost everything. I was a bit anti social, focused, cranky, happy, hyper, calm, tired..pretty much everything. But i felt most at ease when i was making up songs on my guitar with my best friend amanda. She's an amazing singer with excellent pitch so she could easily sing along to whatever i played. She sang a couple of her songs and i just strummed along. We made a joke out of a dark sounding song. She made weird demonic faces and i was screaming. Too bad we didn't record mail!!!! haha. i wouldn't do that. But it was fun to play. Its creepy. Oh well. IM IN LOVE WITH LED ZEPPELIN. always have been. no surprise there. thought i should add some randomness into this entry. I read over all of my entries today. and realized that in almost all of my entries i mention godspell..and rehearsal. LIKE I DID JUST NOW. God damn it. Another exciting story. Today i found a hole in the ass of my boxer shorts. Fucking mice ate a hole through it. Im very sad. i was walking around in them for awhile. Then i sat in my chair and felt a surprise. A pen! i felt more than i should..and then turned around and realized that there's a hole in my boxers. They're dr seuss. One fish two fish red fish blue fish ones. I love them. Except now they have a gigantic hole in the ass of them! whatever. its not like im gonna wear them out in public anyway. oh well. FYI: this is the first weekend i'll be able to sleep. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!I'm mucholy excited. And i shall flee now. I also realized thats how i normally close my entries. with a sudden "i shall flee" or "until tomorrow"...i must create new habits. starting tomorrow. Oh yes. time for change. FAREWELL! NIGHT!!!
Read 4 comments
in regards to the note you left me:
no, i dont pay for my journal, to get a backround pic, simply upload the one you want and rename it my_background.jpg or giff depending, for a side pic above your name upload the pic you want and rename it top_left.jpg or giff, hope i helped!
and also, to upload a pic go to image manager
hey thanks for stopping by and leaving a line... i actually play rythymn guitar and im in a band i suck but ya its all kool becuz makein music is fun
well ill ttyl
ur diary is awesome
its good to see things are well.
i have to say i like that header picture.
nice and dark.
music is wonderful.
i envy your ability to play guitar, im not so good with any instrument except maybe the piano and that's a stretch.
led zepplin, o man good stuff..good stuff indeed.
you can't beat the old-bands.
and always listen to your fortune cookie, they're never wrong.
