Falling apart

Listening to: 3 - bramfatura
Feeling: inquisitive
My body is really falling apart... I am always tired, I feel like my back broke, my shoulder is gunna fall off. The coheed and cambria show was incredable, I really liked the band that opened for them it is called "3" they sound awesome!!! I really want to see them in concert again. Under Oath really dissapointed me though, there screamer just sounded funny. Coheed was awesome they were singing really good even with water pouring down on there heads it was really cool. Anyways I will write back when I have something fun to wright about... oh yeah... during coheed nicole and I got knocked over in the crowd and we both got stepped on... so we decided to go to the back of the venue and stuff... I really was impressed with nicole she like shoved everyone out of the way... It was truely the coolest thing i have seen in a long time... Niki I am so proud of you! Anyways now im going Bye Dan
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Yes....go me. I'm sorry you feel like you're falling apart....you poor dear boy.
yay for coheed and cambria!...yay for nicole!