The Crowing

Feeling: patient
I really have had an interesting time these past few days, nothing really has happened, all I have going on is my graduation. I guess that its good though. Today though, I went to my cabin and put up fences... which usually is pretty dumb and boring, but I got to have a good talk with my brother Jimmy, and I usually don't get into as much depth with him, but today was really good. I really love my nieces and nephiews and coming up soon all of them will be together all at once. I hope people have a good day, I am spending several hours tomorrow sitting on my butt for the graduation ceremony, and practice and stuff like that. Goodnight and Goodbye Dan
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It's cool that you're graduating. I just became a sophomore so yeah. High school is no fun, but whatever. I won't know what to do once I graduate though. Good luck with that!
well that's good that you had fun with your brother. congradulations on graduating..
congrats on graduating...
haha it happens to the best of us...
how did your graduation go by the way??
oooh! thats're a lucky boy!
i still have two more freakin years of HS..gosshhhhhh
goshh i wish there were nice boys.
hopefully ill find one soon
(and suck his face off;) )