hello world....

Feeling: abnormal
I'm feeling abnormally happy considering my lack of sleep...swelling ancle and just over all crapy feeling..my job is interupting my internet social life...and its starting to make me insanneeee.....hehe...ni..but thats ok cause i'm home free next week so i'll be back on my usual scheduel...i'v been teaching bike camp and we got to go do my favorite trail yesterday...:) thats right rovers run and mooses meadow... wooohoo...ya but i hit my ankle on the metal trailor as i was getting on my bike (i hate being a total clutz) so now my ankle is like purple...and it huuuurrrrtttssss.... but i wont wine too much...i sat up last night with all these crazy meaning of life questions... its amazing how deep and dark i can get when i'm sleepy.. my mom keeps complaining that i'm too grumpy in the mornings and i dont see her point...maybe if she would stop picking on me first thing in the orning knowing that i was grumpy maybe i wouldnt be so grumpy....but ya um....ya..i'm done ranting...maybe i should right (excuse me tipe) down those questions...k...here ya go ...brb 1)how can people tell if they are truly in love if other people feel love differently than they do? 2)is there anything good in this world that doesnt have an evil or negative side? 3)is there such a thing as pure good or perfect happiness? 4)are there people in our civilization that feel no urge to fight or steal?ever? 5)Is it possible to go through life withought thinking or working at al and have wonderful things? the last one is more personal..my mom thinks i'm a candy ass who has never worked for anything in my life...really? I dont kno mom maybe i am but you arent me so you wouldent kno that would you? would you?...ya thats what i thought...ya gtg xxoxo byebye Carol
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Ouch, i wish i was there!!!
sry about my lack of bein online and lack of updating and such, ive been in and out of town.......yeah.........
by the way...i might be back 2 weeks early, chances are slim tho