whats blonde...tan and has hazel eyes?

Listening to: Like a record baby
Feeling: annoyed
thats right my little brother who is 11 years old and is currently ripping out my hair.. cause he loves me thats why.....he likes anything outside...almost any sport....and riping out his sisters (me) hair....he's lovably annoying some of the trime but he doesnt like to play dressup any more and that makesme sad... cause i love to dress him in pretty pink dresses (whitch he happens to look great in) he is constanly pulling on my tail...jumping on my back and screaming loudly into my ear... the people in this family are pain fully loud..me included..one more thing about my bropther he looks too much like me and his energy level is the same or greater than mine...i love him dearly but sometimes i wish to break him....except when he is cute and lovable... then he is just a kiss up to me and everry one else...like hes doing right now... he is currently perched on the side of my chair and pettiing my hair...hehe it rhymes....he also thinks no-one will read this entry....lol..i like to bite him when he's aspecially annoying and petting my shoulder like he is right now.. one of us is destined for the nut house...lol big surprise and were related so there is almost no chance of escaping him.... and he is constan tly... torturing me and i torture him back....mwahahaha....*evil laugh*... although he plays a really good kitty....lol just like me.....*flicks tail* lol gtg brother is being annoying xoxoxolxoxoxo Carol
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