~So it starts~

Well today was the first day of a new school year... creepy huh? Lol not really it was actually a nice day, I'm happy that I got to see all my friends... plus it's better then sitting at home with nothing better to do isn't it? So yeh... anyway... I'm ver glad school has begun except the fact that it's kinda hard to believe that we are juniors this year... we as in my 11th grade buddies. Not that I don't love all my other friends like my lil Jay and Ortman and all those good lil women! Lol your all gr8! I also enjoyed seeing my todd today, I'm not so happy that we have no classes or lunch together... but at least I get to see him and he walks me to my bus at the end of the day, it's better then nothing. I'm a tad dissapointed that Chrissys lunch got changed... sniffle sniffle it just won't be the same without her... and now she has lunch with my sweetheart... how unfair. I guess if I can't have one I don't get none. POOPY!!! Well maybe next year. Over all things went well and I guess I'm looking forward to returning tomorrow... until then take care. ~CAROL~ Ps- thank you Chrissy for my presents!!! I love em... and the shirt fits gr8! I Y You TODD!!!
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Your the greatest carol. Love you too.
(goneastray) ~chrissy~