History Day!!!

Well... today was history day, and considering I'm running on 4 hours of sleep... I'm still feeling pretty good! We had alot of fun times... yeh those new pics of mine, they r just slaming eh??? Hehe... no one messes with the bear... I meen NO ONE!!! ( All violaters will be prosecuted) Lol... any who... so... yea history day was gr8... I got to wear my lovely colonial costume, and make corn husk dalls woo fun stuff... at the end of the day I made my love a really gr8 candle... well until it smashed on the table before it was dry... i fixed it up though, now it looks like a blue Jaba da Hut from Star wars!!! Hehehe... oh yes and I saved my todd a dolly! I know he would have been so crushed if I haden't I meen... he loves playing with his dolls. I also made a new little friend... he was the cutest little frog, His name was Pee Wee... he hugged my thumb then hopped away off into the sunset never to be seen again... but just know... I will never forget you Pee Wee!!! Hehehe... those darn toe sucking fishes... they tickled! Lol don't ask! Well yeh I think I might be done... oh yeh one more thing... Rin... stop qweefing!!! Love ya girlies ~CAROL~ ps... SLEEPY!!! Booty Call ~~~~~~~~~~

Nise n' Me ~~~~~~~~~~~

Byrd n' Me ~~~~~~~~~~~

Don't Mess with the bear!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ME!!!... Oh baby oh baby!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Read 1 comments
lol, ewwwyyy!!! u know it was U who made an icky,lol.gosh, hat butt all the way to the right..u should just chop it out of the picture!lol
