Lol that is right! Tomorrow is the last day of school! I'm happy but sad at the same time. I'm really really gonna miss Todd... and all my other friends, but no more school work is always good! Today was ok, it was long and I didn't get to see todd much but the little i did see him was wonderful. Hehe he is such a sweetheart. Tomorrow after school I'm gonna come home... finish my packing and go to chrissys and spend the night so we can leave for the camping trip in the morning! Lol this should be gr8, i'm sure I'll have plenty of funny things to write about when I get home! Lol Well I'm gonna go! Ttyl! ~CAROL~
Read 4 comments
schmarril..i already miss school and brandon! hehe hey have a great summer and have fun campin with crissy! lulas
im so glad that school is out FINALLY..but know the sumer is gonna stink..lol well

hey girlie long time no talk..lol

could you give me advice?? just read my entry with the title HUH? thanks ALOT

did u die???? well im leaving for awhile talk to ya when i get back