
Woohoo! I've finally found a new job for the rest of the school year/summer. And, for future reference, I would infact like nothing more than a giant parade of congratulatory praise when these good things happen. Speaking of the future, I'm still waiting for this whole one-year-to-go-and-I'm-out thing to hit me. I think Portsmouth would be a nice place to live after school. Atleast it isn't as far as some of the places I could be pondering. PBS is sounding like a more favourable place to start every day. It's just difficult trying to get out of what feels like a pre-midlife crisis, but I keep telling myself I'm too young to have screwed myself over already. I think I'm finally realizing everything is going to be fine after this. I have this feeling that next year is going to go over more smoothly than this unfortunate past year. The good news is that the senior bags of dicks of '08 will finally be out of my life and doing nothing with theirs! It is a wonderful reminder.
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haha yeah i was

loveee it.

and you :P