Knives don't have your back

I never did end up falling asleep last night. Instead I painted my nails and watched Lifetime. Instead I realized what a mess my entire room is. I then realized I'm going to do absolutely nothing about it for another week. I sat in bed, laughing with the lights off. I thought about Kohl's boy. I remembered my session next Wednesday and how I have absolutely nothing completely teen-traumatizing to talk about. I came to terms with growing my hair out. I planned an outfit in my head for my doctor's app. and Kingston Days. I thought of ways to restyle the way I dress. And when I smelled coffee lingering from the kitchen, I climbed down my squeaky old latter, achy back/bottom and all. I grabbed the pants I planned to wear. I said good morning to my mum. I looked all over the place for my shirt until I found that, too. I threw them in the wash. I ate a handful of blueberries. I grabbed a few raisins for Cheech and I climbed back into bed to listen to Doctor Blind followed by some Trail of Dead ~neither of which I've sat down to enjoy in months~ only later to find myself writing this entry in what might be a bit of a daze that I'm feeling.
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