Because of you

Feeling: happy
I did a lot of stuff yesterday and had a lot of fun doing it. This morning I went with Tracy and Aaron to Eisenhower Park the Texoma Lake. It was awesome. We arrived there around 11:30am and found the picnic place and set up my bar-b-q bit in which I made hot dogs, hamburgers and ribs. The all came out great and I was stuffed after eating it all. We had a great view of the lake while we were eating and it was a very peaceful setting. After we finished eating, we went down to the beach section of the lake; yeah I know a beach on a lake? Anyways it was an awesome view and a great beach. I would have rather ate down there if it weren’t for my bar-b-q pit weighs a ton and it would have been a long walk to carry it that distance. Along the left side of the beach were many rocks, many of them really big, that you could climb on and if you followed them they went around the whole park. We climbed along them quite a ways and at times it felt like I was going to fall, which would have sucked cause I was quite a ways up, but I didn’t. We took pictures of it and I’m going to post them on my website so you can see them. After we left the park we drove to Oklahoma cause we were right on the Texas Oklahoma border and never have been in Oklahoma. Once we were there we decided we might as well go to Arkansas too cause we never been there either. We took pictures of us in front of the Welcome to Arkansas and Oklahoma signs but like the dorks we are, we didn’t turn off the flash so all you can see is the sign since their really reflective and picked up the flash so well. Then we stopped by a good friend of mines apartment, Andrew. I was getting tickets to his next show. March 4th System Overload is playing at Club Indigo and I recommend every one goes to see it cause they are going to rock like no other. I can’t wait to see to see the show, and I am going to film the whole thing. The only thing I was worried about was my Grandma is coming to see me today and I hadn’t finished cleaning and I was worried I was going to be up late cleaning since we got back at midnight. This is were I want to thank Aaron so much cause he came over and helped me clean up so it wouldn’t take me so long. Not only that but he did the part of the cleaning I was dreading, washing the dishes. Matt has left them there a long time and well they where putting off some rank smells. He cleaned them all while I tidied up the living room some more and vacuumed the carpet and swept up. Then me and him wiped off all the counters in the kitchen and finito it was done. So I don’t think I can thank Aaron enough for helping me. So now my apartment is clean and I want every one to come see it, even if I don’t really know you, drop by anyways. I want to show it off while it’s still clean. Anyways, sorry bout the long entry. Till next time Donald
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sounds like you had a great time!!!
yay for helpful friends who clean dirty dishes :) that's true friendship.

hope ur smiling :)
That's good that your weekend went well. I've never been to Arkansas. :(

Have a great day.

Hey, don't neglect!! You know, sitD's shrivel up and die if you ignore them long enough. Don't do that to your sitD. Help it live and thrive.

AKA--write another freakin entry.

Have a great day.
