A new beginning

Well it's the year 2005 finally and i'm soooo excited, year 10 this year means the parties are gonna go off. These holidays have been absolutly awesome. When the holidays first started i went to the beach for a week with Lana and it just went off, the amount of sun baking, beaching, shopping and talking we got done was unbelievable. When we got back we partied for a bit for her birthday and then all the christmas shopping swept in and took over my life. I love shopping so chroistmas is my favourite time of year. Anyway then when christmas i was back up at the beach but this time with my family, i saw all my relative that i haven't seen for ages and it was just awesome. More sun, sand, surf and shops and then it was off to lorne for the new year. New Years Eve was totally wild. We went to the foreshore and danced and went crazy to a live band and then when it started to get more towards late morning new years day we just sat around a camp fire talking and shit. It was awesome, Met this guy sam up there, totally hot and i get to see him in a couple of weeks can't wait. Well i gtg, ttyl, Luv ALways Leah
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mmmmmmm beach! you're lucky, all i have close to me is miles of snow... yes, sad, i know.
I live in northern utah. yeah, we have so much snow today... something like... 2 feet right now. it's crazy. you've only seen snow once? thats pretty cool, where do you live and where did you see snow?