
wassup...hhmm been minute.well jus got back orm cali. it was "alright" not much there for me ..too uch of the city busy..well aywas ..omehting like alsmot happen while i was thre...jus sy..i was hnging with an ex..boy firned..liemy frst love..but not my first kiss..ll..wll anyways nothing hppen because..immsoo young..even though it gonna ad my mo still not talkin...she is in hawaii now with her "newman "wonder what they are doing..well starts tomorrow and she int even goig to be there on the firstday of my junior year..oh well who cares..gotta take usual..well ayways..i will totally upate u later on..gtta go meet thisguy i met..haha thtas a=nother story..ok hollas
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thanx for thinking of me of all people as strong. i needed to hear that. i was in rehab b/c iam suicidal and not crazy enough to kill myself without being as high as possible. meaning i do lots of drugs that are not good for you (well weed n alcohol). peeps was worried bout me so they sent me away where i couldnt hurt myself cuz well drug dealers dont care about u and will sell it when u want it if u can buy it. i dont mind u addin me 2 bud list
i have a question. since i just started this SIT diary thing. what does it mean when it says that u have 3 hits..?
Thanks?i*?O?¤?O*?jHe is ok and me also.
sup dude? so bored. hmm shuld it scare me that somone luvs me a hell of alot and said they would do nething/ go to the end of the world for me. coz it dus scare me n i dunt no why. scares me alot. fuckin lochie agen tho...on at me bout how much he loves me. i think ive finali settles my feelings for him...well wateva feelings for him i USED to have...i hope. im tryna not let them get in the way of me n andy but yea. im successful so far.thank god
neways ill tty ya l8rz ay