here's a quick update on me!

Feeling: excited
Okay, Josh . . . here, r u happy??!!! lol. yeah, well, life's been steadily getting a little better (mostly because i'm doing better in school) but there r still stresses, such as combo and other friends being stressed. There's ALWAYS some type of stress! tonight i'm going to Harry Potter 4 w/mis amigas and it should be REALLY fun! i hope we get seats though . . . lol. i'm really excited! this movie looks more interesting than the last ones! oh, and i guess the biggest update is . . . TOMORROW I TURN 17!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO! it feels so much more awesome to say, "hey, i'm 17, how old r u?" *says in sexy voice* hahaha! yeah, i think about weird stuff sometimes . . . lol. i can't wait until thanksgiving break . . . i REALLY want the porch club people to get together at either josh/my house during one of those afternoons/nights . . . yes josh, a halo fest and game night would be sweet! well, i have to skidaddle!!!!! ttyl! - Addie
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well addie... it's getting to be that time of the month where you need to write in your diary again =) Hope you had a good combo practice today!