Periodic Tables and Snow

Well, it snowed and, don't get me wrong, I love snow, but I need to get to the mall tonight with Dan. I haven't seen him since Valentine's Day cause I was sick n' all. I miss him. Not to mention that I gotta really get some stuff before Saturday. Almong with that stuff that I need, but can come at anytime, would be that awesome lipgloss I hear about from Bath and Body. Apparently, it tastes REALLY good so who doesn't want a good lipgloss?! Anyway in school today I went with Bridget and Erin to Miss Smith after Latin to dance, but ended up just waiting till 3rd. Then during Civics we did more Senate stuff and, needless to say, boys debated on how prisoners should get porn in jail. Please, people, let the porn go! *eye roll* Second period, I sat with Jared, Calyn, Bridget, Michelle, and Brian during stoody hall. In gym, we did our dance and got a 23/25! WOOT! In Algebra, we did more parabolas and Mr. Aaron got all giggly when he said tomorrow we'll talk about RECTUM PARABOLAS! It was funny to watch him giggle. In English we got stuff together for our super Post-Valentine's Day party tomorrow! I have to bring in chiparoos! My bag has "Happy Heart Day!" and "Hearts, Stars, and Horshoes, Clovers and Blue Moons, Pots of Gold and Rainbows and the Red Balloons!" and drew a picture next to each! hehe! In lunch, I had a spicy chicken patty, spicy curly fries and a sundae cone! I heart my lunch table! Chorus, well, I can't sing with my voice like this so I just kept my mouth shut... In Chem we had that test, I think I messed up Part c on 6 and the last part of 7, but overall I think I did ok... It was a lab day, so we watched this video and it was really funny and all the lights were off and we kept doing all this stuff. Like Gary made shapes on the projector, and Nate wore a box on his head. Erin and I also decided that the men in the video masturbate to periodic tables! The we drove Bridget home after school cause she lives far and it was snowing. Speaking of snow, I officially hate it, hate it with a fucking passion. It messed up everything!! EVERYTHING!!! My mom decided she doesn't want to take me anymore WELL FUCKETY DOO DAY DAY! DOES THE WORLD JUST NOT WANT ME TO SEE DAN?! I'm pissed now. Bye
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Yay! Gilmore Girl Buddy!

awesome new diary layout!
