Merry Christmas!

It's finally Christmas and I haven't updated in about 3 months. I finally got my massage table, the car I've been driving is officially mine now, me and Joey are still together and his paranoia is starting to get under control finally (YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!). I work in the pets department 4 out of the 5 days I work each week, which of course means that I have way to many fish now. I have 2 male and 3 female bettas, 3 danios, 2 male and 3 female fancy guppies with 10 babies, and a plecostomus. Joey loves his Harry Potter legos and is now watching the Star Wars I gave him. He says Merry Christmas too. Now when the stores open back up I get to find a new massage lotion that doesn't dry out my skin and replace the car charger for my phone Joey got me that didn't work. But other than that I've been having a good christmas, granted having to go to midnight mass last night was boring as all hell, especially when the new priest decided to leave the incense out and burning, so I could barely breathe the whole night. This morning was alot better, we had breakfast and presents at my house then lunch at his, and later we're going back to my house for dinner. Well now I guess I'll go back to watching Star Wars with Joey. Merry Christmas again!
Read 3 comments
Good to now your doung well :)
Christmas Riddle: Why did the Reindeer cross the road?
A: Well, actually he didn't. Got caught in the headlights, rather tragic really.
Merry Chriatmas
i love your diary name.. sO original and awsume.