
hey! here is a thingy cuz i am so bored! 2.[Spell your name backwards]: yeslek 3. [Describe yourself in 4 words]: blonde,weird,nice,small 4. [Who/What is your worst enemy?]: dont really have one... 5. [If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?]um a frog! 6. [What is the latest you've ever stayed up?]: 12:00 7. [Ever been to Belgium?]: no..i dont even know where Belgium is! 8. [What's your favorite coin?]: um a quarter cuz I like to buy gum w/ it..idk what a gay question! DESCRIBE YOUR 9. [Wallet]: plain old black, long 10. [Brush]: I have a lot..but I use a gold one 11. [Toothbrush]: yellow and orange 12. [Jewelry worn daily]: braclet, necklace, flower earings(just got them peirced) 13. [Pillow cover]: pink, and I Have a multi colr one too 14. [Blanket]: yellow(had it for a long time) 15. [Coffee cup]: um i dont drink coffee? 16. [Sunglasses]: dont have any 17. [Underwear]: right now yellow and white, I like colorful ones. 18. [Shoes]: my phatfarms, hot pink and white 20. [Favorite top]: hmm i have too many..but if i had to pick...prolly some from aeropostale i guess 21. [Favorite pants]: hmmm..my whit ones with flowers on the bottoms 22. [Cologne/Perfume]: dont know brand 23. [CD in stereo right now]: dont have it on!! I have no good cds 24. [Tattoos]: no 25. [Piercings]: 2..one on each side, lol 26. [Wearing]: white pants with floers on bottom, a white shirt, and a aeropostale white sweatshirt 27. [Hair]: blonde 28. [Makeup]: none...but I usually just put on eyeshadow, and lip gloss. 29. [In my mouth]: nothing.. 30. [In my head]: someone... and my friends 31. [Wishing]: to be in hawaii, with my 4 best friends 32. [After this]: um, sleeping, watching TV, talk on the phone, or aol 33. [Talking to]: no one 34. [Eating]: nothing 35. [Do you like candles]: yaa..I like birthday cake the best though. 38. [Do you like the taste of blood]: ew are u joking me? thats nasty NO! 39. [Obsessions]: boys, sports, friends, food, anything from dunkin donuts 40. [If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?]: wow that is a REALLY wierd question...and i wouldn't kill anyone cuz i would have to live with it for the rest of my life 41. [Person you wish you could be with right now]: my 4 best friends.. 42. [What/Who is next to you]: no one 43. [What do you want done with your body when you die]: I want a pink and white funeral, I want everythng pink and white!! 44. [Do you believe in love]: chhh ya! 45. [Do you believe in soulmates]: yaaaa 46. [Do you believe in love at first sight]: yaaaaaaa 47. [Do you believe in Heaven]: Ya 48. [Do you believe in forgiveness]: yeah 49. [Do you believe in God]: of course 50. [What's something that you wish people would understand]: um a lot? 51. [What's something you wish you could understand better]: why is the sky blue... ok ttul x's&o's
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