((*83*))Oops..I am not suppost to be on

Well I am really not suppost to be on the computer on inside, because my mom said so. But now like my mom and my dad are being soooo strick. It is like really annoying, I just dont know how to put up with it. Like when I am at my friends house and I dotn want to go home at 5:00 because I am not hungry, like they make me anyway. And then are like what did you eat over there, why cant I just not be hungry*Is there something wrong not to be hungry... and know I am grounded for 2 weeks, over my friends house and FUNTOWN!!! WAW!!! I want to go to my friends house, and funtown!!! WAW, WAW, WAW!! ...my parents and some of my friends are saying that I am a brat, because i always get my way. But I dont
Tomorrow, we are going to Howard's sports. I dont really want to go, it will be very boring. But like I want to hang with Vanessa, but she will be like always near Justin because they are going out, and all she can talk bout it justin, And its really getting on my nerves. Becasue me and Val like boys too, and like we dont talk bout him 24/7 like vanessa today. On first class every ten seconds would be like, I miss Justin, always something bout Justin. And like when she is around Justin she is like all hypper, but when she is around me and val she is just like blah! It is sooo annoying, I am getting kinda mad at vanessa, like if you try to say somethign she will give you an atttitude back. And its getting on my nerves. She always says to me, "Your retarded (like Napoleon Dynamite.. but she kinda stinks at it) or like if I dont get a joke, and I get it in like 2-5 seconds later, she will be like your soo blonde, and she will keep repeating it *over and over again* and makes me very sad, but I have to get use to it, I want to be friends.... but nothing, she can just give you an attitude, that you just want to smack her across the face. <<--how did I get into this I was talking bout Howard's sports, now getting back to Howard's sports. Well I might hang with Emily bernard, Dennis Marcotte, Trevor Singleton, and my brother, because like there is no one else that is on our team that I am really good friends with, even though I talk to every one, I am just good friends with them. Well I really dont know what to do at Howard's sports. I want to play sports!! DUH!! But like I am not very good at anything. But I will eventually. hahahaha, well anyways I hope it is really going to be fun.
I want Trevor to like me~I really want to go out with him, because he is like really nice to me. And he is very funny!! haha..well thats all I wanted to say bout trevor.
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