
I really want to go shopping.. i am like dying to get shorts, and shirts. I need pink lie stretchy shorts, because like I am going to the beach, and I wanna have fun, and I dont want to wear skirts, and I want to wear shorts. But the shorts sooo have to match, they can be like or dark pink or brown (but like my whole bathing suit is brown with pink poka-dots)..very pretty. So I will go to Kohls and buy some shorts. Anyway, pink will match will a lot of my clothes.
I dont feel good, i just coughed, and I sounded like an oldman(no offense) but it was like odd. welll yea... buh bye
<3 Kelsey
Read 5 comments
Hahaha, its not like an old man is reading your diary...its not like you'll offend him by coghnig like him.HAHA
for the backround its just using an image tag at the top of all the codes.

(just take out the spaces)
awwe why thank you =] But i like yours wayy better =P how did u get the words to like fade when u click it?
So adorable
oh why thank you! ur diary is so cute too! i loooooveee kittys! theyre so adorable!!!! i see youve added me as a friend.. so i will add you too! =D ttyl!

heyy i was lying about what i wrote before ur diary sux so get a new 1!!!!
P.S. hav a nice life