Valerie's Entry

Listening to: SugarCult- Memory
Feeling: devoted
Kelsey, Kelsey, Kelsey..... Why do I even bother to check your diary? Is there going to be a new exciting entry from you? Heck No! So (sadly) I am forced to write my feelings in your diary cause I am SICK AND TIRED (ahem) of checking your d-iz-ary to see n-iz-othing! I am really upset....Because I think i might still like Your Brother...but I have a complaint, you see??? I dont want to like him, cause he might not like me back. This sux...and I know that it seems like...oh whatever valerie, you are overeacting....but I feel like he HATES me. Like he has never liked me. It really puts me down. And just to be a lil truthful....Usually when I like someone they like me back...only a couple times have I liked someone and they havent liked me back...and I know there is never a chance so I end the "girl likes boy" thing right there...but for some reason I dont want to stop liking him...but I dont want to like him either.....It sux so hard.... --(the ugly) Valerie
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Why dont you guys ever call me!!!!!!!
It makes me so mad and sad! You guys never want to hang out with me!