
Feeling: copacetic
Well I'm writing in this thing for the second time today because I'm a loser and I'm online all damn day. I don't have a job and college students don't go back to school til the 30th. I go on the 31st because I am not dumb enough to sign up for Monday classes. So I use this lap top that my aunt gave me when I was like 14 it sux large donkey dick but its better than nothing I guess. I have been trying to dl yahoo messenger because all my buds have it and its bout 47% done and still got 25 minutes left. Watch it not work anyway lol. That would be just my luck. ugh...49% now whoo hoo. I hate this shithole town sometimes I just want to hitch back to Austin where its fun. o0o when guys cuss in front of you in this town they blush and apologize immediately its so weird. God forbid I slip they blush at that too...like they never heard such a dirty word come out of a girls mouth before. o0o ******ANNOUCEMENT******o0o I've been learning to shoot guns and I shot a prairie dog in the ass from 100+ yards with an opensight (that means no scope) .22 rifle. He did the dance hehe it was great until the game warden came out and told me I needed to get a hunting liscense. I was sitting on the pipe trying to hide it and the beer lol. ***Wow I really am white trash***
Read 1 comments
hahaha. thats funny.

except for killing the prairie dog.
they are cuuuute.
