:5: Survey

Listening to: Bobbys voice
Feeling: abnormal
1. Given a homeless guy more than $5? nope, only $5 2. Spent more than $500 on a bf/gf's gift or a night out?: probably, if you add it all up 3. Had sex with more than one person in a day?: nope only Bobby....every day!! 4. Hooked up with a good friends bf/gf behind their back?: hmm..probably... 5. Dated two people at once?: hellz no 6. Actually met someone from myspace that you didn't know before? uhh no, i dont have myspace 7. Been raped? nope, that would suck major balls tho 8. Failed more than one class? HA, only 3 last year 9. Took someone's virginity when you weren't a virgin? nope 10. Hooked up with someone from a different race? sadly yes 11. Ran around naked outside in the daytime/night time? eeww no 12. scuba dived? nope, but i really want to 13. snorkled? damnit, no! :-( 14. Dated someone you didn't want your friends to meet? um no, they have met them all 15. Got your stomach pumped, from alcohol poisoning? no, that would fucking suck 16. Threw up from alcohol? hell no, i dont have no light stomach 17. Been suspended from school? almost, but no 18. Kissed someone of the same sex? more than once 19. Wore a short skirt with out panties? noo 20. Let a guy paint your toenails (girls) paint a girls toenails (guys)?: uhh thats just strange 21. Met someone famous? yep 22. Saved someone's life? yeah, when i was younger at daycare 23. Seen someone die? noo..that would be horrible 24. Killed someone? if i could get away with it, i would 25. Been in a physical fight? more than once 26. Hooked up with someone 10yrs older or younger then you? ....hmm.... 27. Been arrested? only once 28. Spent the night in jail? nope 29. Been in more than three car accidents in a year? nope only 2 30. Had sex outside? no, Bobby and I will have to try that sometime 31. Given or gotten road head? hmm ask Bobby...lol jk! 32. Had sex in your house when your parents were home? in Bobby's house we have...like all the time actually 33. Had phone sex? Ha, no 34. Been turned off by someone's personal hygiene? FUCK YES!..that shit is gross 35. Watched the donkey show? uh, wtf? 36. Had sex without a condom? Ha, more than once 37. Had a one night stand? nope 38. Triple Kissed? nope, but that sounds fun 39. Had sex on the beach? damn that would be hott...cant wait til' next Summer when i go to California with Bobby! :)..i'll tell you how it is! 40. Watched porn with someone else? more than once 41. Been fired from a job? ...never had a job, but when i do get one i probably will get fired from it! 42. Danced on top of a bar? oh you know how i do! 43. Had sex somewhere in your high school? no, Bobby and I have talked about it tho...HA, jk 44. Bought a vibrator? no, i have Bobby and thats all i need! 45. Been in a porn shop? yes 46. Been in a dance competition? nope, wtf i cant dance 47. Had a threesome? Well according to Brittney and Jeff i have, but uh no! 48. Spent more than one night in a hospital? yes with my sister 49. ODed on a drug? never..i dont do that much drugs
Read 72 comments
Is bobby that guy in your header picture?
jordan rock not only mine but everyones world!
Jordan is the shit....in a half!
Heyy girl, I havent talked to you either in like 10 years! How are ya? I'm good good...well love ya too haha...have a great one! oxoxoxox much much much love -`nyesha`
....wow...didnt mean it like that...chill..o.O
heh simply cuious. :-)

i dont like brownies....what the fuck...damn willy wonka
sorry no cookies, but I DO have a brownie! :-)
haha thats great, I enjoy being a bitch....:-)
haha you should tell him that bobbys are cool and that he deserves a cookie! haha
hehe :-) just felt that I should share my un bobby loveness to you :-)
HEY! I love bobby too!...wait...umm..I dont know a bobby. But im sure if I did I would love bobby lol
HEY! I love bobby too!...wait...umm..I dont know a bobby. But im sure if I did I would love bobby lol
i need to ask you something...so just get on aol or call my cell sometime soonn...

418-3958<< incase ya didnt know..

much love..
eacother..and then he complains so much about you otherwise when your not around...and then im like well damn then why do u even go back out with her..and your right it isnt any of my business but why do u guys do that shit to eachother..thats why i say the things i do...and i could care less if bobby likes me its not like im a big part in his or your life for that matter anymore..so you can blame me i dont really give a shit...you guys have fun
How is hooking up with someone of a different race bad?
haha you wish you loved me more.

i love you more.

heyhey beautiful! i love you and thank you so much for the early happy birthday!
your dumb
I love you. :D
to bad i haven said one single thing i stayed out of it until you called joshn a low life and low lifes dont have jobs so i guess bobby is a low life i didnet care until you called him a low life wow grow up

dont comment DJ he dont fucking likeyou
with one another b/c now thats all you guys have left...unless some reason you can actually see where im coming from and why i said that shit and this would be so much easier to talk to you about this over the phone so just call me i guess whenever...but if you dont o'well no big loss here...ttyl

Well it's good that ur nat dating him 'cuz tha dude in tha pic wid you on ur sight is hotter anywayz lol. Do you date him?
ok Jordan here it goes im not going to lie and say I dont say those things b/c yes I do but he is always like when you guys break up he'll say oh god why do i put up with it and why this and that i wish someone else would actually like me and he even named a certain someone i was like if your that unhappy then date someone else..and i say i dont understand why he went back out with you b/c for one you guys act like you are miserable with
you know what jordan you call all the girls i hang out with whores and sluts but look at you you are 15 and having sex thinking you might be pregnant and they are all still virgins that is pretty fucked up dont you think so i think you are the whore or slut bitch
just one more for good measures...
OK...this is the 60th comment! On your diary..I just wanted to say..CONGRATS girly your awesome! YAY...see ya oxoxox -`nyesha`
no its not...I missed counted...damnit...this is haha...BYE oxoxoxox
almost there....
Im excellent....YAY
How are you today?
I'm going to beauty school to learn how to cut hair and what not. Then Ill go to college. I cant wait to start at beauty school.
18. Kissed someone of the same sex? more than once

lesbian., you shouldn't be dating bobby, you like woman.

Go date Bobby's sister.
22. Saved someone's life? yeah, when i was younger at daycare

bullshit, that doesn't count.
10. Hooked up with someone from a different race? sadly yes

Are you racist?

You fat racist bitch.

And plus it will be a black baby.

as black as the night.
1. Given a homeless guy more than $5? nope, only $5

Your a bitch.
And even if firecrotch, fucking lived on the streets, and went dumpster diving. He would still be a lot fucking better person than you will ever be.

P.S. Don't get pregnant, becusae the human body is not made to support that much fat. And bobby is way to lazy to get a job.

Fuck you, and your a fat fat fatty fat fat ass.

This is Cole, you fat fucking dyke of a bitch.
If you ever have a kid, that will be the fucking ugliest kid ever concieved by a human. And all of the money and plastic surgery in the world, will not be able to help how ugly that kid looks. And you better shut the fuck up about firecrotch, because that is a cheap fucking shot. And look at your boyfriend he is hardly the richest person I know. But that shouldn't fucking matter.you are still fat
heyhey lady! i am so glad! well i love you much!
Is firecrouch27 realy ur bf??? If so you need to break up wid his ass 'cuz he is a bitch to you!
30. Had sex outside? no, Bobby and I will have to try that sometime

Don't do it, the ground will give way.
bobby dosnt have money or a clean house
your fat
your going to get your ass kicked if you keep acting like this. your so freaking stupid, you think when you leave those comments acting all funny and shit..ya your just making yourself look even more stupid. grow up please.

omgz leave me a comment
yea...your retarded. fuck off you cum bucket.
www.leonardnimoyphotography.com/ 7bodybot.htm jordan if you ever want to be a model just go to this agency
money bitch and the reason why his hair looks like is cause his hair is red and there for it is shiny and he doesnt smell cause he puts on avatar all the time bitch and j chord says hi
where the fuck do you get off saying that his house is gross you dotn know nothing about his family and what goes on there so you should shut your fucking mouth and you have no room to talk about being and not in the wealthy class cause you arent that wealthy either and josh does take showers all the time cuase he is at my house like everyday and hes takes showers when he is here and why have i been having to borrow money from him if he never has
your fucking stupid. and if you call me a jw one more time i'm going to kick your fat ass. only bobby and jeff can do that. i'm not kidding
Ah luckily I graduated so now i dont have to put up with highschool bull shit
Dude firecrotch's hair is so tight. You don't even know. you are just jealous because it has so much more shine and volume to it. And you are white and fat. Like ok, Josh=good looking, nice body, nice tan, nice hair., You on the other hand, are pregnant, fat, underage, gross, you never shower, you don't have any money, your hair is always greasy, jesus christ, your house doen'st even cost 500000000 dollars, you are fucking poor as hell, it is hor
jordan calling josh a low life is bullshit thats fucking low just leave ous alone we dont care anymore get it in your head we dont care anymore we dont care anymore we dont care anymore their does that help
ahhah thats cool. it was cole anyways. i guess.

did you really leave it? cause its making me mad that i dont know who did it haha. you said you did and so did cole and josh so w/e just tell me the truth
None of us our nasty asses, you are gross, you want to have a kid. that is gross. Gross. Gross. Gross.
Your Fat.

And I still can't beileve you could go that low and say all that shit about josh. And you said that you were going to call us for harrasment, first of all you can't do that, "dumb fucks". And second of all. just because you are fat, doesn't mean you can make fun of people with less money. FUCKING BITCH.
Ok you are a faggot, bobby told me about how your hair is always so freaking greasy.


Fuck You.
Yay go me! No prob. I dont give compliments often so u should feel special
I will make you more lovely than you already are.
ible. YOu are seriously fuckign sickening.







i cant believe you would say something so low to josh..you were doing ok but then you just fucked up that is so rude and low and nothing like that should ever be said, what were you thinking
49. ODed on a drug? never..i dont do that much drugs

um what about that one time with morphine? and oxycontin.
48. Spent more than one night in a hospital? yes with my sister

just wait for that kid.

just wait.

37. Had a one night stand? nope

Yes you have, every night you have sex with bobby is a one night stand.
46. Been in a dance competition? nope, wtf i cant dance

You don't even have to explain that one.
39. Had sex on the beach? damn that would be hott...cant wait til' next Summer when i go to California with Bobby! :)..i'll tell you how it is!

You know what summer rhymes with?

that is right summer, the girl that bobby hooked up with at church camp.
42. Danced on top of a bar? oh you know how i do!

i hope i never see the day, that that happens.
32. Had sex in your house when your parents were home? in Bobby's house we have...like all the time actually

24. Killed someone? if i could get away with it, i would

lets fucking go.
