hey jordan this is josh speaking and i just want to say that your lucky to have bobby cause he was one of the best people that i have ever met and im not kiding but dont talk to me and i hope bobby knows that you guys wont last forever and when it ends im sure that none of us will never be friends with him again
you guys do have each other now but it will be over
i just did
and no you wont last you'll see
He had sex with bobby.
Your sit's cute. =)

If you go to your preferences, then there's a button at the top that you can push to get all your friends back! :)


But we have.. something together?

Oh my jeez I forgot what class.

ANYWAY. The end.
SETH had gay sex with BOBBY. Yes your boyfriend bobby. Seth told me that bobby said that he was sick of talking about it all the time and he was sick of writing about it in every single entry. and he knew that me and jeff would never have gay sex. so he just said seth give it to me. and that is how it went.
jordan i thoght you werent soppoust to talk to me so quit leaving me comments i dont like you and i really dont careif you like me and now your prolly
going to talk shit on me cause your so awesome
How am I fucked up? Your boyfriend is the one having gay sex. and always talking about it. he doesn't even like you. he thinks about seth when he is having sex with you.
YOUR BOYFRIEND A FAGGOT~~~~!!!!@!!~~!!!~~!~!~!~!~!~!~1`!~