<9>Algebra Smalgebra

I have an Algebra test Friday and I have noooo clue what any of the material is!! It's the first grade for the second quarter so I got to do good on it!!! I'm stressed and challenged. cOMMENT! Today was interesting though. I'm just so amazed at how our school has the most ritarded teachers, for example Mrs.Roach: gives us the answers for a test Mr.Kometic: Tells the stupidest jokes that are so gay they are funny Mrs. Phoebus- I walked out of her classroom into Mrs. I's room for half of her class and she said that I was fine with doing that. IS THIS HOW A SCHOOL SHOULD BE?! SHEESH! Its fun just doing whatever during math. I did my spanish homework and finished Esperanza Rising. Hey.. I think I like math. Mood Change: Happy!
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