<136> =)

Yeah, I actually got on here this week. Hmm, what to talk about. I just got home from school, if that is interesting at all. I had a Geometry test today, which was hard ( as usual) I don't think I have talked about my Geometry teacher. Wow =] She is an absolute RITARD. She gives us homework the night before we have learned the lesson. And she pop quizzes us on stuff we haven't done. She takes her quizzes out of books that we don't use at school. I get C'S on basically all of her quizzes. She can't pronounce the word "chapter" I am telling you, I am screwed for SAT's in Geometry because of her. And she is really rude to me. You're probably like, haha, everyone pulls that one, no teacher has the TIME to hate people, well, trust me , SHE DOES. The second day of school she told me I didn't belong in High School because of height. I kind of shrugged it off, I mean, wtheck, theres a lot of freshmen shorter than 5 foot 2. So whatever. Then, we have this rule at our school where if we get a 95 or above in Algebra 2, we can take pre-cal in the summer and calc ap as a sophm. Well, I got a 93 that quarter, and I was offered it anyway. I said no ( SUMMER SCHOOL OF MATH?! PSHHHHH) and my Geometry teacher told me there must have been a mistake because I didn't belong in that class. And then, you know those minority rule things for college? (dONT GET ME STARTED PEOPLE) Yeah, about how like, you can be a "minority" and get a 1200 on the sat, and get into DUKE, but a white person with a perfect score doesn't get in? YEAH. IF YOU THINK THAT IS THE MOST RITARDED THING, LEMME KNOW, SO JASON WON'T BE BLASTING THROUGH THIS DIARY. LOL Anyway, she's like, well, some of you will be able to get into great careers because of you being minorities. But as for some people, like Kate, she won't get anywhere because she is white. SUCKS FOR HER! SERIOUSLY.. what is wrong with her? So then ,I get a 95 on a make-up test, and she goes, "There's something suspicious about your grade, Kate. Either you cheated or you've seen this test before" NUMERO UNO i was in the room alone taking the test with her right next to me NUMERO DOS how could you cheat on a test that no one has gotten back? I sware. I guess theres a sign on my back that says , "HATE HERE." =) It was a good day though. Don't worry, I am not like, suicidal. LOL x0x
Read 4 comments
well, im forced to comment here
slave driver

anyways, phone brb


escuder is lose
haha now kate has a crummy comment on her post

wat a loser

:D I win

ha now i can sign my notes i win again

yaaay for not being suicidal!

Geometry is tonsoffun where I learned it. I had seniors in my class and I was still smarter than them.

Then again, I'm pretty much good at everything

*brushes shoulders off* :)