
Hey! I haven't written in here for a while-sorry! I've been OVERLOADED with stuff. Does anyone besides me feel like our Thanksgiving weekend is totally trashed? We have all this junk to do! Last year we had that "World Relgion thing" remember? I spent ALL DAY Thanksgiving morning doing the powerpoint presentation on it and we never ended up doing it at all. I can't tell you how horrible that was! This year we have not one, not two, but THREE projects to do over Thanksgiving! #1 Loop thing (completely pointless) #2 Esperanza Rising thing #3 Essay Thing I also have to memorize 160 lines for drama! How exciting eh? Lol! I'm gald that tomorrow is our last day- thank God! We get to miss Spanish- thats my favorite part about tomorrow! Seriously, that lady is on drugs or something. Notice how it always smells like shaving cream in her room? Megan and I say it is because she (ddddiiiiiaaaa ..fill it in) is shaving her beard! Lol! Thats what I do to get my anger out. Muhaha! Well, anyone have ideas to "sort my weekend out?" Comment. thanks!
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I think thanksgiving is only being thrashed because Cristmas has already started taking over all the media and it's still november!! at least wait till thanksgiving is over.. I don't think anyone really takes that day seriously anymore.. just a pig out/ no school day! gosh people!