<128> Hmm..

I think I am getting the hang of some stuff- except a few things. Firstly, how do i get this to work: < font face="courier new">TEXT< /font> I want it to be impact..and its not turning out. Hmm.. Secondly, I still can't figure out how to get an icon when I comment people. Thirdly, I got a code to put dashes around my entry, but thats not working. Fourthly, I can't figure out how to put a picture on here. If I have an icon saved, where do I upload it under preferences? Sadly enough, this is the code to get moving text: < marquee>TEXT< /marquee> Do i take all the spaces out? This is too confusing. You all must think im the stupidest person in the world. HA. Where is Kristin when I need her?! LOL <3 I miss Myspace =[ <3 <3 <3 <3
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to get an icon when you comment people, you upload the icon you want and title it comment_pic.jpg or comment_pic.gif