Sneeze on me

I've got this terrible cold, waking me up every hour of the night and morning. I still haven't heard from any of the jobs I applied at which sucks. But at least I can stay home and sleep this icky ness away. The stepmom made me happy not that long ago and went online with me and bought me the InuYasha Moive 2. I was happy as hell. I think she's going to get me the rest of the eppy's because I only have four, which is chapter 1-74 That's no where near how far it goes. Soooo I'm really happy and can't wait for this holiday to come! And that is my happy entry. Owari.
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Ah if only I could own that. Currently I want Lain..the whole series but I can't get anyone to buy it for me and I'm so piss poor. For Christmas I'm getting the complete Yami no Matsuei (Descendents Of Darkness) collection. I've been able to collect a view more Kenshin goodies...Reflections..which broke my heart..another one I can't think of the name of..and of course I've got all the Inuyasha, Kenshin, and Cowboy Bebop taped from tv.
I've got the Cowboy Bebop movie and the Best Sessions..and..I just..WANT..anime. So if you know of any good ones out there that I can put on my X-mas list let me know. I hope you feel better, I'm sick to, still forced to go to therapy however. I wish you good health and better luck finding a job. Perhapesa book store?I always wanted to work at a book store,or maybe a video store,always wanted to do that to. I always wish your brother well.
Jello :)