x0x0x Enjoy.

Feeling: smart
Wow I love these things they keep me occupied SERiES 0NE - Y0U Birth time: 10:36 a.m. Last place you traveled: school. Eye Color: blue. Nail Color: chipped pink. Height: 5'5" give or take. Zodiac Sign: Capricorn . SERiES TW0 - DESCRiBE Your heritage: Swedish Nude Beach Babe (L.S.) The shoes you wore today: ugg flip flops and yes i made that up. Your hair: straight half up and a headband. Your weakness: guys. Your fears: snakes. Your perfect pizza: sause. One thing you'd like to achieve: i don't know. SERiES TWEE - WHAT IS.. Your most overused phrase on aim: all of them. Your thoughts first waking up: damn. Your current worry: science and spanish. Your plans tomorrow: super awesome school. Your best physical feature: ugh eyes. Your greatest accomplishment: my friends. SERiES F0UR - Y0U PREFER Sunrise or sunset: sunset. Gore or horror: horror. Eastsiiiide or wessssside: midside. Stripes or poki dots: polka dots. Money or fame: fame. Planes or trains: bikes. Metal or hardcore: JT and BS GEEZ!! Boxers or briefs: boxer or g-string :P. Your life is: awesome. Pools or hot tubs: hot tubs. ;) SERiES FiVE - D0 Y0U Do you think you've been in love: yes. Want to get married: yes. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yep. Like to take baths: stressed. Get motion sickness: nope. Like talking on the phone: yessum. Like thunderstorms: heck yeah. Play an instrument: the recorder. 8) Workout: need to more. Like reading: depends. SERiES SiX - FAVORITES Kind of fruit: apple. Music to fall asleep to: T.V. Time of the day: Dusk. Feature in the opposite sex: pretty eyes, body, and hair somethimes. Car: Lots of choices. Number: 11. Thing to do right before bed: sex. Thing to say when you're mad: at who. Era: 51816181. Horror movie: The Butterfly Effect. Colors: Bright ones. SERiES SEVEN - FUTURE Age you hope to be married: 54141678 or before 30. Numbers & Names of Children: 2 Benjamin Matthew and Aaron James. Describe your Dream Wedding: something huge and really pretty. How do you want to die: peacefully. Where you want to go to college: KU. What do you want to be when you grow up: I would like to be a stay at home mom but if not something with little kids or make me lot of money. What country would you most like to visit: England or France.
Read 5 comments
where do u come up with all these questions to ask urself? lol
there is a code for it i dont remember it but when i have more time i will give it to you.. hope taht werkss.. ttyl
get rid of the spaces, but i see that you already got the code, srry that im a little late on the request i just had to go really fast.. im srry if u need ne thing else plllease ask im willing to help:((

Hey Hey Beautiful! i love you, leave me a comment,
OMG I LOVE YOUR DIARY SOOO MUCH! omg kierston!!!...did you know my mom died in a car wreck w/ your mom? no i'm serious!=-o haha luv ya babe