brand new!

Listening to: none
Feeling: energetic
Well...Em got me to back a diary for some reason..don't really know why. Just so that i can bitch and complain in it. : ) Today was alright...i got my hair done in cos...that was fun. We get to do the maniquin's on Monday..THAT will be great. Mieka -my dog - ate my shirt yesturday. I was so frickin mad at her. I want to play tennis so bad!!! I miss it. I was just at this site that had all of these mind illusions I have elysia hooked on them. They're messed up! I'll get the site and put it in here soon. Em left school cause she was sick. Wonder what was wrong.... Ah...thats enough writing for one day. COME TO THE PLAY TOMORROW NIGHT! Flapper- woohoo
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