just a little bit...

Hm. Long time since my last one. uhh... Honors Banquet was a while ago..but it was fun. Kermy and Miss P :p The food was MUCH better this time. Saturday and Sunday was Tracy's par-tay. That was really fun. We did a Scavenger Hunt and shannon did a barrel roll in the middle of the field where there was absolutely NOTHING to trip over :p loooser. I threw pond scum at Emily..that was fun. Had a cat tail fight. Hmm..what else. We watched Harold and Kumar and Napolean Dynamite. They were alright. NP is just good bc its fun to quote it. We slept outside..thought a few people were psycho's so we ran into the van. Turns out they weren't :) I have a thing for psychos...its like a phobia. Finally. Monday. Christina has been having quite a bit of problems lately..but tomorrow they shall all be solved. Unless she chickens out like the dumbass that she is. God it was like minus 50 degrees in science and I had to sit next to the fan. God. It's not Alaska. wow that was gay. Uhm....in Health we all thought we had a NJHS assembly thing..and of course we go to Cutri's room and its not until tomorrow. But we get out for like..2 hours so take that. I think thats just about all.... Sonrie...it'll do you good. sonrie is spanish for smile. :) betcha didn't know that one :o
Read 6 comments
SONRIE, esmerelda! :)
how do u get that cool background?
thanx for the background... lol... ima thief!
yessss... that's hot 8)

is wal-mart where you buy walls?

and ketchup.

lots and lots of ketchup. so i can spill it all over myself.