~Chapter 8~

Her Father had died. She had not spoken to him in such a long time, and now he's gone. As the day went on and the next few days progressed, the Kingdom mourned and preperations for Philip's and Abigail's commencement had begun. Someon had to take the thrown and since Abigail was the hair, she would be Queen. This also meant that Philip would become King and rule the Kingdom. Abigail knew this was not a good idea, but he was her husband and she had to be loyal, for her Father. Abigail began to feel lonely and volnerable and the only one there was Philip. He was kind, considerate, and respectful. He brought her flowers everyday, rubbed her back when she cried, and watched her sleep to make sure she was safe. Abigail was falling inlove with Philip.One night, a few months after the King's death, she laid on their bed and stared at him by the fire. "You don't have to sleep on the floor anymore." Abigail said as he turned facing her. "Yes I do, I don't want to impose." He said. "You wouldn't be, please, come on the bed." She smiled at himand pulled the blanket down. Philip got off the floor and laid on the bed facing her. "You Know." Abigail said gazing at him. "After what happened with Luke, and my Father, I never thought I could love another man. But I was wrong-" "Abigail, you don't have to you-" "I want to, I love you Philip."They kissed and at that moment she knew he was truely the one. The next morning she ran downstairs and hummed all the way into the kitchen. Her Mother was there instructing a new maid, who was very pretty and the same age as Abigail. "Why, Abigail!" Her Mother said in delight. She grabbed her Mother's hands. "Oh Mother I'm so happy! And, Inlove!" She giggled and ran off. "Inlove?!" Her Mother said inconfusement. Abigail went outside to the garden and stopped to smell the flowers. She sighed and ran to a feild full of dandy lions. She laid down on her back and let her hair out of the bun she had it in. It flowed around her and onto the grass. She reached her hands out to both sides of her and smiled. She closedher eyes and saw Philip's face. She thought about the other night and kept smiling. She was so deep in thought that she didn't realize that someone was standing over her. "Better be thinking of me." A man said. Abigail thought it was Philip and opened her eyes with a happy expression on her face. As soon as she saw the man her smile dropped to a shocked state. It was Luke.
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