Fuckinay (or something)

Listening to: Forgotten _LP
Feeling: offended
ALL RIGHT.... Well Megan went to Alex's today and apparently they had a nice long convo which meant that Megan and I had a nice long talk. 2 hours, 27 minutes and 27 secs (aren't cell phones useful?) Here are the basic points we got across: -We've kinda tainted possible friendships with AMy and Megan for each other by telling them bad things about the other to make us feel better. -We're jealous of the other one in some senses -She has some guilt and trust issues with me b/c we were asses to each other Freshman year That was the extreely shortened version Some other things that popped up. -I have an extremely adaptable personality so I change to fit dif people's moods and attitudes so I act dif around ots of dif ppl. --This may also go along with the fact that I can't hold an emotion too long for the life o me, which is both good and bad. Good b/c it's easy for me to let things go and I rarely get upset for long periods of time. Bad b/c I'm rather heartless and I can't seem to like anybody for longer than a week. And of course the one guy I did like shot me down hard (I told him he liked me, he replied with "mmhmm...you feel stupid yet?" Thankfully I thought it was kinda funny and I got over it but for some reason he was the only guy I really liked for a LONG time). Figures, that's life I think there was ore but it was all confusing and odd but good, as corny as it sounds we got feelings we needed to get out, out. So hopefully this will help things and we'll be better off for it. Who knows. Also, have you ever thought about what would happen if one thing had/n't had happened in your life? Megan and I watched the Butterfly effect and it got me thinking, what if one thing was dif, how dif would your life be? Like if Johnny hadn't died, would Mom have been as screwed up? Would I have other cousins more my age to hang out with? Would I even like them? It goes on and on and on and that's just with one event. IT's very odd to thnk about. One of those things you ponder on the long bus ride home or on a long road trip/plane ride. You know, the kia topics where you get glazed eyes and get WAY out of it listening to your headphones for hours on end and never hearing a word of what you just listened to for an hour.
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