Today was Really Messed Up

Feeling: guilty
OOOOk. Today sucked royal monkey balls. I wore my hot Mexican shirt cuz I wanted troday to be a good day cuz we are done testing and everything and I wanted to have fun. What an idiot I am. SO I screwed up my Health test really bad, worse than I normally do anyways and then World civ was ok, but not great. We go to band....adn turns out my friend didn't make squad leader but I did....THIS IS COMPLETE AND UTTER BULLSHIT! This will onyl be my 3rd year and this will be her 5TH!! C'MON!! She deserved it over a LOT of other people, including myself. So she was crying, which I don't blame her, and we haevan NHS meeting afterschool, and i'll have to be with her alone for na hour and a hlaf and I get the feeling sh probably doesn't want to be around me too much right now. Then we got scheduling info and I cna't do ANYTHIGN I WANT! Nothin I signed up for originally is available 2nd block 2nd semester, which means I'm going to have to give up AP US History so I can get my classes in for senior year. PISSES me off cuz that was going to be an awesome class, a lot of my friends were taking it and I wanted to do it...but now I 'm going to havee to take US Honors to get in Precal and Chemistry Honors and take some random class during 2nd semestr 2nd block, probably Pyschology. They have the stupidest lcasses available and the stupidest times (yes stupidest is not a word, lay off). And tomorrow I have to go to this party that I don't especially want to go to but my this same friend feels really bad and guilty so she wanted to go and she wanted me to go so she won't be alone. And now I'm not sure if she will even want to hang out with me at the WHAT THE FUCK! EVERYTHING IS SO MESSED UP!!!! I give up
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