Top the Mornin

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Feeling: blah
So much to do and so little time... chores...places to go, ppl to hurt;), animals to feed...oh well hehehehe ...lets see wont be home for the next couple of days going to Nise's and going Tubing tomorrow with SeaScouts so i guess thats all the excitment there is at the moment... remember somebyrdy loves you! Till Monday
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hahaha, i like your results for the test thingy. anyways... yeah... just sayin hello. b/f...whodda thunk??lol
I'll show you green beans you sexay thing you. i miss you so much babe! i don't know if I'll get to talk to you until sunday or something cuz i have a buttload of stuff to do tomorrow. but i hope i get to talk to you soon, cuz i am having Rin withdrawls. hehe. anyway, i'm so bloody tired, Ima go to bed now. later honey.

LOL, isnt he so sweet and funny?lol..i love my taylor!