Student Council Districts

Listening to: Savage Garden
Feeling great but icky, u other females of the world would understand. So rin and i got home today from our very intresting confrenece for Student Counicl which was fuckin awesome!!!!! Well we got to leave school on Friday at 10:45 and we went to Applebee's for lunch were we ran into Pam and other Danville ppl who were returning from something and rin and i stole the sugar packets and a bunch of other stuff...hehehe anyways then we got back on the bus and were listening to music for like 30secs when we reached Selinsgrove H.S. and we were pulling in when this guy came on our bus and was like yelling "whos staying at my house" and we all like stared at him and finally we acted imature and said "Southern!" yes lame i know but thats us. So we get in the school and drop all our stuff off at our drop off station. And we walked over to the middle school were we held the first general session which was funny. how do you feel? The speaker was awesome, rin and i got a little rowdy and embarassed Matt, hehe 4-H ROCKS!!!!!!!! HELL YEAH!!! so when that was over there was all the boring buisness and then we were sent to meet our host familys, we were with the Jenkins Amber was awesome!!!! her friends are intresting but then again im sure they were saying the same about us. Hehehehe and this kid matt locked his keys in his car so we had to go to ambers house to get kates AAA card and then we sat an 1 and 15min waiting for them to show up and then we decided we were gonna blow off the dance and go to the movies, well Amber decided she was gonna invite this hot foreign exchange student named Alex from Germany along. He was so awesome so then we went to the movies but then we couldnt go see anything because the others couldnt come and they had the free passes, and Alex asked rin if she was horny! because she wrote sex on the window. HAHA! We went down to the dam and were gonna walk out on it cuz it was all dark and stuff and i saw this guy just appear outta of nowhere and he turned his flashlight on and was shinning it on us and flipped out and we all ran back to the car and alex is like "he has a saw and we were like no its a flashlight but we still ran, that guy was probally like a killer, or maybe just some wierd dude but either way he probally thinks were nuts! hehe SOOOOOoo then we went and rented movies (Napolean Dyanmite, The Grudge) and then we went to GIANT and bought chips and a roll. hehehe and i got a camerea w/o a flash cuz im dumb. so then we went back to Ambers and watched our movies and Alex had his head on my shoulder and on my back, Amber was all like i want him to kiss me!!! he was like so cute cuz he really likes Amber and was acting all scared during the grudge and like holding her and stuff, it was funny.But we had to take him cuz it was after curfew(11:35) heheh opps.*wink wink* and then Amber wanted to go to her ex's so we parked there in a no parking space on main street after curfew ringing the buzzer to her ex's apartment. So finally she gave up and went back to her house and watched some more of the grudge but i fell asleep. Rin can talk about today so if u wanna know about today u have to go to her diary...hehehe well tomorrow mike comes over, hope my family behaves*worry face* we shall see tune into tomorrow to see how all goes. ~Byrdy~
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yay dancy penguens!

and u write to much to!
i refuse to read it all!


but i still love u!