HAppy 4th

So im off to go Kayaking because thats what i do. Happy 4th to everyone, come over tonight if you like and watch the fireworks i got the best seats in the house! BUH YAH! Ummmmm yea miss all ya'lls hope to hear from some one real soon because i leave in 12 days WOOPY!!!! Cant wait to...uhhh...idk dont really have anything to do. Guess im gonna camp out tonight up on top of the hill with the stars and fireworks above me, so if you need me you'll have to come and visit! Well im outta here!
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hey jess! happy 4th! Glad to hear you can come to my party... i think!...haha! i didn't get to see any fireworkd this year :( oo well...have a good day... see ya at my party!