so much to think about

Feeling: old
wow...I look back on the letters and e-mails that people sent me awhile ago, I was so ...gone. Like I never realised how bad I was and how it affected people when I was like that. I mean, Im not completely better, but im getting there. I just cant beleive how unhappy I was. I wish I could say that I was happy now, I mean i am for the most part, but im lonely. I feel like no one cares, honestly all I really want I a long hug from someone that cares. I want to feel loved. to feel beautiful. I know Im not,but I just doesnt even matter...what I want doesnt matter. anyway, on a brighter note.....wait...I have nothing else to say lol. write again later -me
Read 3 comments
If i could give you a hug.. Trust me i would give you the longest hug of your life. I would tell you that you are beautiful and i would make you feel so pretty like im sure id make you happy... I just need to be in Maine first
shadows fall is good too......
i like yewr diary..

yeah i know......just playin......but not
