
Listening to: none
Feeling: unattractive
The power shut off at like 5pm tonight and didnt come back on until like 9...which sucked, but I played guitar the whole time so it was pretty fun. Yea..I really dont have anything to say, the day was boring. Im gonna go see kate tomorrow. which should be fun..yea..much swimming will take place I am sure. hoepfully my top stays on this time ahahaha ha...mm..yea..thats about it I believe, anyway...yea... many comments will brighten my day. :-) So do it! COMMenT BITCHES!! :-) Im leaving for the store....Now..I want at least 10 fucking comments before I get back, or no new entry for 3 fucking days people ( not that any of u care..lol) SUCK THAT PUNKS!
Read 2 comments

Woo, I got the first comment!! =P
heckkkk yea!