46. omg today was...... Interesting

Listening to: none
Feeling: cold
omg today was definately interesting. first off in gym I messed up my foot in gym class, kicking with my left foot like a dummy, I kicked a soccar ball at Josh and Alan because they were being mean and kicking it at me and Ermalinda. Then I had french and we were watching selena, then in css. we were watching Jason and the gloden feece. Then I had English reading Beowulf. gurr to it I don't understand that stuff. SO then after when the madness began. OK so me and katie went to the mall. it was fine we went shopping and get stuff and everything for easter. Then we were going ro take the bus home right. wrong... Katie had me sitting at a stop ok and were like sitting outside in the cold and then I looked at this guide thing because we were just sitting there and no buss was coming. So then I figure out that it was a mail stop!! A MAIL STOP!! not a bus stop. Gurr!! then we still were having problems when we figure out where we were really supposed to be. Then were like sitting at the stop like freezing and stuff then me and katie just started being crazy we were soing and I started like being really crazy and was like literally jumping arouind and stuff trying to stay warm and stuff so then the bus finally comes and the bus driver says just so you know I getting and the free way and going to kk and mitchel well then we were trying to figure out what bus to get on and so then we got on the 76 bus and took that to 68 and whatever and so then we had to get on another bus and we were waiting at that stop. omg I was like looking to see if the bus was coming and stuff right and then all the sudden katie starts whistling saying stuff about and it was funny, but then she started to sing the barbie girl song gurr to it I'm not a barbie!!! gurr I'm not plastic!!! lol so then after like a half an hour waiting for the bus there I was told katie why don'y we just walk the rest of the way because the bus never showed up. So the we were walkign and we get like a block away from her house and the stupid bus goes flying by!!! we were so mad. we were freezing then the bus didn't show and we were practically running home because we were freezing and then that happened!! gurr to it and on top of it all Katie forgot her coat at home and I though that I was freezing.. katie must have been even more cold!! I felt so bad for here!! omg it was just a wild nite let me tell ya -my mind
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lol.. i would have went to the mall, even tho i have no money... lol i messed up my ankle in class. and when i got home i started to skate i, then i hurt it some more lol and now it hurts bit more... well ttyl kimmy luv ya blondie
ROFL lets do it again!!!! LOL not.
at least we made the best of it. aAHahhaha