131. ice skating

well yesterday was fun. me katie and cory went ice skating at the pettit for like 2 hours. it was crazy, katie was talking and singing the whole time. lol it was funny though, gotta love her. I was proud of myself i didn't fall once. i made sure katie didn't fall and cory mad sure I didn't. :) well lets see yesterday I wrote an entry but iut erased it. i'm gurr but o well. yay school is finally out. about time geeze. yesterday were my last two exams. lol it was funny cause I almost fell asleep during my history exam. i was so tired and it didn't help that i was so bored. i finished right when the bell rang. then I think that I failed my algebra exam cause I didn't really feel like doing it and i was getting all confused and stuffa and I skipped like the last couple questions. but o well. just happy that it's over with and now I have to pack. moving on monday!!! at least that's when we start, lol but it should be interesting cause my sis. is driving back and forth and we have to hall things to the house during the day all next week. lol hopefully she remembers how to get there. lol. but yea then me and katie get to paint my room. lol it should be funny. Knowing us we'll probubly get into a paint fight. lol I just can't wait till we're finally moved in. my mom said I can have a bunch of friends over and stuff and we're going to have a cookout. so it should be fun. :) yay warped tour is sunday!!! lol katie still gotta give u ur ticket. lol keep forgetting to give it 2 u. lol well gotta gfo pack. -my mind 06/09/05
Read 4 comments
lol i saved katie and u a lot
aww thats gay. it was fun! lol have fun at that warped tour. thats like all everyone is talking about :P
i love u kimmy :)
AHAHA =) WOOO-EEE warped tour TODAY!!! :D YAY!!